What is geocaching?
Geocaching is a treasure hunt in real life. The hunters (called geocachers) look for the treasures using GPS device. They look for a container (geocache, or cache) hidden at the specific location marked by coordinates.
Since it`s better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times, watch this short 75 seconds video about geocaching with Slovak subtitles. The basic information about how to begin with geocaching can be found under the video.
What do I need to play?
Just two things – user account on Geocaching.com and GPS, either integrated into your mobile or as a separate GPS device.
How do I create an account?
To start looking for caches, you need to create an account on Geocaching.com. Basic membership is free of charge. Also, make sure that you pick a pronounceable nickname, just in case your friends want to call to you during the hunt.
Where are the caches hidden?
All over the world! There are more than 3 million active caches hidden on our planet. It`s only up to you, which ones you choose. You can go out to nature, explore new places, look for them in your town, even find them on your street.
How do I play?
After you create an account on Geocaching.com, use the search box to search for the caches near you. Just type in the city and click on the magnifying glass button (search).
Select any cache from the list and click on its name. We recommend you start with traditional caches, those are the ones with the green icon. There are many other types of caches and there are different ways to look for them. The listed caches can also be viewed on a map, just click on the button “Map these geocaches” in the top left hand side corner above the list.
Enter the coordinates found in the header of the listing (the cache details page) into your GPS. It is better to start with free apps like Geocaching® or c:Geo, they are very user friendly.
Then let the GPS navigate you to the given coordinates and look for the cache hidden on a spot. Key rule of geocaching is that you cannot be seen while looking for the cache! If you want to learn more, read these 10 tips for geocaching beginners.
After you have found the cache, return it to its previous location, so the other cachers can find it too.
Log your success (“Found it’) on the cache page – click the button “Log geocache” in top right hand side corner of the listing. If you are still unsure how to do it, read the article “Logging a geocache found”.
What are the rules of the game?
Basic rules are:
Sign with your nick into the logbook which you should find in the cache.
Never tell anyone about the cache`s hiding spot, don`t destroy or move the cache to a different location.
Always stick to “leave no trace” rule – don`t destroy or move anything and be respectful of the environment.
If you take anything from the cache, always give back something of similar or higher value.
Log your find on Geocaching.com.
Share your searching experience with other cachers. You can also upload some pictures. Find out why you should log more than just simple TFTC.
Use your common sense and always be careful and safe when geocaching.
General geocaching guidelines can be found here. See also regional policies in your own country.
How did it all begin?
Geocaching origins is really a nice story, you can read all about it in English here.
Are you new to geocaching?
You think you still don`t understand all the abbreviations and phrases? Read about the abbreviations here. Is it still overwhelming? Then deep dive into the articles in our lexicon, they will help you on your way to geocaching.
Translation into English: Zuzka P., text: schevka, zdroj: Geocaching 101